Webhook ๐Ÿ”—

Komodor supports notifications using a custom webhook.


  • Webhooks via HTTPS only
  • Desired destination URL

Define Webhook Notification

  1. On the โ€œ Realtime Health Monitorsโ€ page, choose your desired cluster and specific monitor
  2. On the โ€œEdit Roleโ€ section, select โ€œWebhookโ€ as the notification definition
    If you have already set up a notification channel - choose one from the list, if not, create the wanted channel with the following configuration:
    1. Webhook URL - The destination URL to which notifications will be sent
    2. Webhook Name - Choose a meaningful name
  3. Save Realtime Health Monitor

After completing the Realtime Health Monitor configuration, you can use the created channel on any other monitor

Webhook notifications will be sent as a POST in JSON format to your webhook endpoint.

The Webhook feature will allow you to integrate into the following channels:

  1. Prometheus Alert Manager
  2. ServiceNow notification

Example of POST data

Realtime Health Monitor types: Availability, Node, PVC, Job, CronJob, Deploy, Service Monitor 
Status: open/close
Close time will appear only when the โ€œcloseโ€ message is sentโ€

    "cluster": " production",
    "namespace": "default",
    "serviceName": "komodor.production-default.brain-consumer-pg",
    "resourceName": "brain-consumer-pg",
    "status": "open",
    "startTime": "0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC",
    "closeTime": "<no value>",
    "monitorType": "availability",
    "issueURL": "https://app.komodor.com/main/deep-dive/komodor.production-default.brain-consumer-pg?timeWindow=-62135596805000-1672945087683&timeframe=custom&eventId=1486f269-e28e-4498-8389-9ca33c1f647a",
    "issueDetails": "[Terminating ContainersNotReady]"

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