FAQ: How to extend Pod Exec so it doesn't time out?

You can adjust the Pod Exec timeout in Komodor by configuring the agent settings. Here's how:

  1. Update the components.komodorAgent.watcher.extraEnvVars value with the environment variable WS_Keep_Alive.
  2. Set the desired timeout value. For example, to set the timeout to 10 minutes, use "10m". The default timeout is 5 minutes.
    This can be found in the values file here

Example command for Helm upgrade:

--set components.komodorAgent.watcher.extraEnvVars[0].name="WS_Keep_Alive" --set components.komodorAgent.watcher.extraEnvVars[0].value="10m"

Note: You may need assistance from the DevOps team to apply this change.

Let us know if this resolves the issue!

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