Advanced Agent Configuration Guide 🕵🏽

To tailor the agent's functionality, modify the helm values file. For a comprehensive overview of configurable parameters, refer to the detailed list here.

To set up or update the agent, use the following commands:

helm repo add komodorio
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install komodor-agent komodorio/komodor-agent \
  --set apiKey=<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE> \
  --set clusterName=<CLUSTER_NAME> \

It's advisable to maintain the values file for each cluster in source control, which can then be referenced during agent upgrades:

helm upgrade --install komodor-agent komodorio/komodor-agent \
  -f <path_to_values_file>

Modifying Resource Requests and Limits for Agent Components

Agent components are initially set up with standard requests and limits tailored for enterprise customers. However, these settings can be customized by modifying specific values in the values file. The following agent components allow such configuration:

  • komodorAgent.watcher.resources
  • komodorAgent.supervisor.resources
  • komodorAgent.networkMapper.resources
  • komodorAgent.metrics.resources
  • komodorDaemon.metrics.resources
  • komodorDaemon.metricsInit.resources
  • komodorDaemon.networkSniffer.resources
  • komodorDaemon.nodeEnricher.resources

For instance, to adjust the resource requests and limits for the watcher container in the komodor-agent deployment, use the following YAML configuration:

          cpu: 100m
          memory: 128Mi
          cpu: 200m
          memory: 256Mi

Updating Image Repository Configuration

The chart is set up to use as the default image repository. If you need to use an alternative repository, such as a private one, you can change the imageRepo value in the values file. For example, to switch to the myrepo/komodor-agent repository, apply the following YAML configuration:

imageRepo: myrepo/komodor-agent

Disabling a specific capability

By default, most capabilities are enabled. To disable a specific capability, set the relevant value to false in the values file. the following capabilities can be disabled:

  • metrics
  • networkMapper
  • actions
  • helm
  • nodeEnricher

For example, to disable the metrics capability, apply the following YAML configuration:

  metrics: false

Limiting the agent to watch specific namespaces

By default, the agent watches all namespaces. To limit the agent to watch a specific namespace, set the events.watchNamespace value in the values file. For example, to limit the agent to watch the default namespace, apply the following YAML configuration:

  watchNamespace: default

You can also specify a list of namespaces to avoid watching by settings the events.namespaceDenyList value in the values file. For example, to avoid watching the kube-system and kube-public namespaces, apply the following YAML configuration:

  namespaceDenyList: ["kube-system", "kube-public"]

Data redaction configuration

In some cases, you may want to redact sensitive data from the komodor platform. You can do so by the following values:

  • events.redact - Redact values from specific fields in resources
  • logs.redact - Redact values from logs
  • logs.NamespaceDenylist - Do not collect logs from specific namespaces
  • logs.NamespaceAllowlist - Only collect logs from specific namespaces
  • logs.NameDenylist - Do not collect logs from specific workloads

For example, to redact the password field from all resources, apply the following YAML configuration:

    - "PG_.*"
    - ".*PASSWORD.*"

To avoid collecting logs from the kube-system namespace, apply the following YAML configuration:

  namespaceDenylist: ["kube-system"]

To allow only collecting logs from the default and dev namespaces, apply the following YAML configuration:

  namespaceAllowlist: ["default", "dev"]

To mask passwords in logs, apply the following YAML configuration:

    - "password=(.+?)\b"
    - "(?U)\"sessionId\": (\".+\"{1})"

example logs redactions:

INPUT: example my password=supersecret and something else
OUTPUT: example my <REDACTED> and something else

INPUT: { "level": "INFO", "message": "User has added Item 12453 to Basket", "sessionId": "SESS456", "timestamp": 1634477804 }
OUTPUT: { "level": "INFO", "message": "User has added Item 12453 to Basket", <REDACTED>, "timestamp": 1634477804 }

Setting Annotations, and Selectors for Deployed Workloads

The komodor-agent deployment and komodor-agent-daemon can be customized with specific Kubernetes fields to enhance workload management. You can configure these fields by setting the following values:

  • components.<component>.annotations - Add custom annotations to the workload.
  • components.<component>.affinity - Define affinity rules for the workload.
  • components.<component>.nodeSelector - Specify node selectors for the workload.
  • components.<component>.tolerations - Set tolerations for the workload.
  • components.<component>.podAnnotations - Add annotations directly to the pods in the workload.

To illustrate, if you want to add the annotation komodor-agent to the komodor-agent deployment, you would use this YAML configuration:

      - komodor-agent

Communicate using a proxy server

If you need to communicate with the Komodor platform using a proxy server, you can set the following values in the values file:

  • proxy.enabled - Set to true to enable proxy communication.
  • proxy.httpProxy - Set the HTTP proxy address.
  • proxy.httpsProxy - Set the HTTPS proxy address.
  • proxy.noProxy - Set specific domains to ignore proxy for.

For example, to enable proxy communication and set the proxy address to http://myproxy:8080, apply the following YAML configuration:

  enabled: true
  httpProxy: http://myproxy:8080

Configure the agent with a custom CA certificate

If you need to configure the agent with a custom CA certificate, you can set the following values in the values file:

  • customCa.enabled - Set to true to enable custom CA certificate configuration.
  • customCa.secretName - Set the name of the secret containing the CA certificate.

For example, to enable custom CA certificate configuration and set the secret name to my-secret, apply the following YAML configuration:

  enabled: true
  secretName: my-secret

where the secret contains the CA certificate in the ca.crt key.

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