Workspaces 📋

What are Workspaces

In the modern business environment, organizations manage a variety of different applications, each with its own resources, definitions, and configurations.

Internal users may find it challenging to navigate the complex relationships between these applications. Understanding the components that comprise an application, particularly its health status, operational efficiency, and identifying potential risks and growth opportunities, remains crucial.

Komodor Workspaces are built to address these challenges. By enabling users to define a workspace through existing configurations or manually selecting services, this platform offers a tailored, scoped perspective. Once a workspace is declared, it provides a comprehensive and focused view, ensuring that users are equipped with all the pertinent insights and crucial details regarding the workspace and its associated resources.

Common use cases

To gain the most out of Workspaces, We recommend a workspace to represent one of the following:

  • A group of services which together comprise a system/application
    Create a workspace per a system (or - a group of microservices constructing a bigger application)

    This allows for correlation between related issues and cascading failures as well as understanding the overall availability of your system/application

  • A Team / Business Unit
    Create a workspace that corresponds to a team's area of responsibility

    Provides a unified view of all the team/business unit responsibilities, easily understand the overall availability of all those services

  • An Environment
    Create a workspace that corresponds to a particular environment

Workspace Overview

The overview offers a summary intended to assist in understanding the status of the Workspace, encompassing aspects such as its resources and inner dependencies, workload availability, cost performance, and suggested best practices.

It is built to provide easy navigation through the Komodor platform.

The Workspaces overview page consists of the following:

  • Summary data
    Two charts describing the availability issues trend alongside the cost optimization trend (i.e. - how optimized your workspace is)

  • Open issues (if any exist)
    A list of open availability issues associated with Workloads that are part of the workspace workspace-onging-issues.png

  • Inventory
    A list of all the workloads associated with the Workspace broken down to the granularity of the Kubernetes resource types that constitute these workloads, alongside related resources discovered by Komodor

  • Latest deployments list
    A list of the 20 most recent rollout events: each deploy has indication of whether it was considered to have been a successful or a failed deployment, as well as the Workload this event relates to


Create a Workspace

To create Workspaces click the New Workspace button

  • First Workspace creation
    You'll find the New Workspace button at the bottom of the navigation bar 


  • Any other workspace
    Open the list box on the top of the navigation toolbar

You’ll be redirected to the Workspace creation page

Specify a unique Workspace name, add an optional description, and scope (options described below)

Scoping a Workspace

You can create a Workspace both dynamically based on existing configurations such as labels, and namespaces as well as by manually selecting the relevant services.

  • Dynamic scope
    Allows for the creation of Workspaces with a dynamic scope. Select a namespace or a label `key:value` pair and the Workspace scope will consist of workloads that are either part of the selected namespace or have the specified label across all of your clusters.

    Example usage:

    • A namespace

    • Label key:value pair

  • Manual scope
    Allows manually selecting the relevant Workloads to include in the workspace scope workspace-static-scope.png

Note: It is not possible to combine both scoping methods, the scope must be either Manual or Dynamic

Editing / Deleting Workspaces

To edit or delete an existing Workspace, enter the Workspace and click the "Edit workspace" button on the top right

Best practices

  • It is recommended to limit your workspace scope to up to 100 workloads, as exceeding this number could introduce a loading lag while entering the Overview page.

Workspaces Insights

Komodor provides insights in multiple categories; every insight is clickable and will open a drawer with additional information related to the specific insight.

The insights are primarily based on events and data from the past 14 days (except for best practices insights, which are derived from the current resource configurations).

  • Availability

  • Costs

  • Best practices

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